These are Frequently Asked Questions during advocacy sessions

No, as HIV virus only survives for around 45 seconds outside the human body and also for a HIV virus to infect a person it needs to be in enough quantity. Since the blood found on the bed sheets would be dried up until a housekeeping changes it, so the HIV virus won’t survive and therefore there isn’t any possibility of getting infected.

The chances of a person getting infected from a shaving bleed is very low as there needs to be an entry point on the person for a virus to infect and the virus needs to be in large quantities. Also, the virus needs to survive and the surviving chances of the virus is for only 45 seconds outside the human body. Therefore, there is minimal chances of a person getting infected.

The chances of a rescuer getting HIV from the survival found on the spot is very minimal as the rescuer will be already wearing his/her safety outfits and the bare skin is not exposed. Moreover, there must be an entry point like wound or cut for the virus to enter.

There is less chance of getting infected as the person needs to have a wound or a cut in his/her hand for the virus to get inside the body. Moreover, there should be enough fluids on the condom cover as the virus needs to be in large quantities to infect a person.

Creating awareness to the general public like farmers in mass is not possible because of time constraints and people’s various working hours. Also, we cannot make it compulsory as it is a violation of human rights and since it is solely a voluntary act there are less people attending such sessions.

Mass screening test isn’t possible as it would be against human rights to make the test a compulsory one. Also, Lha-Sam focuses on encouraging the general public for the voluntary testing rather than making it compulsory.

References indicate HIV stays alive upto 2-3 days in HIV positive corpses. Lower the temperature of corpses (in case of autopsies), higher is the survival rate of HIV virus, upto 2 weeks. However there’s no evidence that HIV has been infected from dead bodies of HIV positive people.

So far the Ministry of Health hasn’t used such condoms and these condoms need to be imported. Anyhow, Lhak-Sam is planning to pursue the matter of importing such condoms to MoH.

CD4 cells cannot kill HIV virus because the virus is very smart and it fuses with CD4 itself to replicate and also it hides in CD4 itself.

Lhak-Sam also believes that the Government should initiate a care and support system for the children living with HIV as they have funds and resources to start such a system.

Hepatitis B is a severe form of viral hepatitis transmitted through infected blood, causing fever, debility and jaundice.
HIV is a virus which invades the human system and weakens the immunity of the individual. Hepatitis B affects the liver and HIV affects the whole body.

CD4 cells cannot kill HIV virus because the virus is very smart and it fuses with CD4 itself to replicate and also it hides in CD4 itself.